KB Miller '72

Princeton Arts Alumni Written around the letter 'P'

KB Miller '72

Enthusiast, Playwright, Producer, Writer

Me in 50 words or less:
Love bringing works from 0 to 60 in the world of ideas. One hundred eighty times. Hoping it helps.


Undergraduate Affiliations

Department: Philosophy


Producer, creator, writer of Spark Hunter, which recently peaked as #1 sci-fi podcast in the UK, #2 in the US, #1 in Australia, and #3 in Canada (Apple charts). Formerly developer, editor, writer of computer games, software, and a one-hander that had three productions.

Featured Projects

"Spark Hunter”

“All Things Have Standing”

Artist Statement

As a child, I delighted in nature; in composing small poems; in playing the piano. Despite early tragedies, my heart remained open, and uncannily so. In the quiet of the evening, I’d sit at the keyboard. Though I was often filled with sadness, the musical notes flowed from my fingers. And as they did, a veil dropped away, revealing a dimension where everything was okay. Buoyed by the sound, I became happy, easeful, free in my being. I sensed a remarkable possibility…a world filled with wonder. “Love is the swan that gently floats at the water’s edge,” I penned at the age of nine. Amidst the difficulties, I was an optimist, enlivened by this vision. I still am.

While life has conspired, over the years, to present myriad challenges and heartaches, my love of music, poetry and nature has seen me through. I've become a pianist and writer. As we face unprecedented challenges, I realize that the decades have prepared me for this moment, perfectly.

I’m now doing live-streamed performances on social media, something I could not have imagined, even five years ago. Distinct from a traditional concert setting, social media allows for interaction and response between all who tune in - and myself. Joining me from across the world, many are grappling with overwhelming difficulties—their lives reflecting the myriad challenges of this unprecedented moment in history.

I’m now doing live-streamed performances on social media, something I could not have imagined, even five years ago. Distinct from a traditional concert setting, social media allows for interaction and response between all who tune in - and myself. Joining me from across the world, many are grappling with overwhelming difficulties—their lives reflecting the myriad challenges of this unprecedented moment in history.

In this way, I’m becoming intimately connected to people. Learning of their difficulties, I offer to them the healing power of music. As I play, I echo their stories through a melding of word and melody, providing reassurance, evoking faith, kindling hope, and love. One woman in her 80’s wrote, “I truly do not believe that you really understand what a blessing you have become in the lives of so many of us in these very trying days…”

Indeed, my life, my music, my stories, these concerts, are taking on a meaning and purpose beyond anything I could have imagined. And yet, all the ingredients were there from the time I was young. The vision I had as a girl is coming into reality. Uplifted by the beauty of music, people are joining together beyond the divisions of politics, race, culture, age, religion. Our stories and music are revealing what make us human and thus, what make us one.

One afternoon, I went to the ocean to meditate, to gain guidance. A message came to me, “You are emerging at the same time the world is.” So, I feel that I am at the beginning. WE are at the beginning, the fabric of our lives weaving us into one sublime, interconnected whole. To help bring that into being is my greatest joy.

Links and Social Media

Website: http://Fightersteel.com

I would like to share my expertise with:

  • Alumni

  • Students

Contact KB Miller